Reports making rounds is that one young lady who has been recognized as Mary endeavored suicide since she was abandoned by AMG CEO and Musician Criss Waddle.

Photos of the woman and Criss Waddle from Snapchat began circling on Social Media approximately few days back and a few people sprinkled affronts on the young lady when Criss Waddle posted them. A significant number of the general population called her everything kind of names, charging that she's laid down with a few men.

Mary who couldn't take the put-down and dismissal by Criss Waddle chose to confer suicide however she didn't kick the bucket as she was raced to the healing center.

Here the photos Criss Waddle posted beneath:

As indicated by the young lady, she met Criss Waddle on Instagram, where they got to be companions and had needed to date Criss Waddle yet he advised her that she was not developed but rather after a few endeavors, Criss Waddle acknowledged lastly requesting that she come visit him when he comes back from his outing to Ghana at some point later in the month.

The young lady who is only 18 years, revealed that she went to Criss Waddle a few times at his Tema and Prampram living arrangement where they had a few hot sexual sessions.

It was in one of such visits she showed, Mr Waddle brought pictures with her and posted on her online networking pages drawing in a torrent of put-down and when she could no more contain them, she chose submitting suicide through cutting.

She unveiled that she didn't affirm of the subtitle Waddle added to the photo which he posted on Snapchat. Waddle's inscription to the photo proposed that, she was frantic to date him even tho he has advised her she wasn't develop and however the young lady demanded she wouldn't fret being a side chick.

The young lady in the further uncovered that, she has all their Whatsapp visits there to demonstrate their case. We've likewise appended a sound in which the young lady makes the disclosure to a radio moderator we are yet to get points of interest on who he is. The same radio moderator additionally addressed Criss Waddle and we have connected the sound beneath.

The artist has conceded meeting Mary yet denied being in any an association with her. He said the woman being referred to just requested to bring pictures with him yet he was not willing since he couldn't vouch for her validity.

 Upon an apprehension anyway, he respected her interest and brought the photo with Mary simply as he does to his fans.
“After taking the pictures, I showed the pictures to her and ask if I could post the images on my social media page. She agreed and afterwards fans started insulting her. She called me and was complaining to the extent she threatened to do something to herself. Her friend also called but I told her she is not my kind of girl because it looks like she has so many dates. I am not always bothered about negative comments about me because I know they are never true. It is only when such comments are true I get worried”, he said

The rapper said it was after posting the image she got to know the other side of the lady who he alleged has dated several men and therefore did not qualify to be his girlfriend.

We’ve attached what Criss Waddle Said Below and from all indications it’clear he’s been chopping down the girl .... Lol